In 2009, Corinne earned her Certificate in Training and Counseling from the widely respected Academy for Dog Training (founded by Jean Donaldson) at the residential SF/SPCA.  She also graduated from the equally well respected Academy of Dog Behavior I and II (founded by

Trish King) in 2003 at Marin Humane Society. 


She is a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, as well as the Pet Professional Guild, and continues to educate herself in the fields of canine behavior and animal welfare.

In 2000, she pioneered environmental enrichment care for dogs in long term shelter care as the creator and founder of Give A Dog A Bone (GADAB) in a local municipal shelter. In developing and managing her program over the years, she gained invaluable experience with dogs of all sizes and ages, dogs with diverse behavior issues, and dogs who simply needed a leg up to rejoin their community.  

Corinne now focuses on one-on-one training, coaching, socialization, and outings for those dogs who find other dogs, people, or even the entire world challenging. Her skill set includes working with shy fearful dogs, fear aggression issues, basic manners training, and foundation skills.   

Corinne has over twenty years of professional experience working with dogs privately as well as in municipal and private shelters. She shares her home with a small, sassy dog, and in addition to all things dog, enjoys baseball, gardening, and a good book.

On Cue K9 Training

photo by Mark Rogers

Corinne is dedicated to force free, science based training. She wants to see your dog learning with enthusiasm and enjoyment, and then keep those learned behaviors tuned up with your steady commitment. By beginning your training positively, you’ve set your dog up for success from the get-go, and the benefits will last a lifetime.  Your relationship with your dog will be immeasurable happier and healthier, and infinitely more satisfying for both of you.

Corinne is also a firm believer in the learning process being enjoyable and engaging for you and your dog. She does not use punishment or any aversive methods of training such as prong collars, choke chains, or shock collars. Using aversives can create very strong negative associations in your dog’s mind, generating anxiety and fear, which can result in over-reactivity and aggression.  Mutual respect and understanding are key to the best life for you and your dog.

Copyright Corinne Dowling. All Rights Reserved.



Certificate in Training and Counseling

SF/SPCA Academy of Dog    Trainers with Jean Donaldson,       2009

Certified Trainer

Canine Behavior Academy 

I and II with Trish King at Marin Humane Society, 2003


​* Association of Professional Dog Trainers, 2003

Behavior & Training Volunteer
Full Belly Bus 

     Care without Conditions
​   (serving pets of San Francisco        residents in need)
